I'm unable to log in using my email and new password
Good day
First time signing up to be a marker
How do I know when it start???
What credentials do we need to have? how do we get it?
What is a ticket?
Good Day, I received an email instructing me to create a password to activate my account. However, after doing so, I am unable to use it to log in. I tried to use the credentials to access the familiarisation forum on the RM Assessor, as this is my first time, however, I keep getting a message that my username or password is incorrect. Is there something that I have been doing wrong? Clarification would be greatly appreciated.
Good evening I am unable to log in. How do I obtain the credentials to do so?
Good afternoon:
I am writing because I am not clear as to how the process to start correcting on line works. This is my very first time working with CXC Examiner Portal.
I have accepted the invitation to mark and also followed the instructions indicated, and I received the reply with the contract but I have not received any further instructions. Therefore, I am wondering if I am getting behind with something that I should have been doing already.
I would really appreciate it if you would kindly clarify this for me, please.
Good evening,
I am also marking for the first time, so the process is new to me. I sent a message some time ago about not being able to proceed after signing the contract and creating my password. I have not received a response and would greatly appreciate some clarity on the issue. Thank you kindly.
Blessings, am having the same issue as well....No credentials to login
Hi All,
encountering the same problems .Help needed please. Thanks
I heard the papers are already marked and some of us were not notified. I wonder why though.
Good morning,
I was approved marker but haven't received any credentials to sign in as yet.
Georgian Morgan-Clarke
RM Assessor Credentials
Good day
I have not been assigned any username or password for the RM Assessor. What to do?
15 people have this question