I have been unsuccessful in logging into RM Assessor. My log in password was reset but still no success. Kindly assist.
Hello Help Desk, I am having similar problems. On entering my credentials I am told that there is an error. This is the same information I used previously to log in.
I have been unsuccessful in logging into RM assessor. I Have tried several times.
CXC or RM or whoever cannot pay me enough to advise you guys how to solve your problems outlined above. While I can't explain the technology behind the login issues, I can guarantee you the ONE sentence that could have been sent in an email, could so easily and quickly save us all this stress. If you see this and can respond let me know and I will advise. Sorry, had to vent first.
Good Morning,
My problem is adding my credentials in order to get access to the RM Assessor. This problem arise from the fact that the credentials section is not on my portal. Your kind help in making this section available or any advice is very important.
Not getting the login page for RM Assessor, still being prompted to download silverlight. Not able to train.
I need a user name and ID to get into the examiner's portal. Please send me the information so that I can login and start the necessary process for marking. Thanks
Can anyone help me please? Unable to sign in to rm assessor. Also which time zone should I use, keep getting time is incorrect.
I cannot login.I get a login unsuccessful message each time. I'm using Internet Explorer.
cannot get on to scoris
Dianne Stewart
Login unsucccessful
Cannot login using the credentials provided. I get a login unsuccessful message each time. I'm using Internet Explorer.
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