Caribbean Examinations Council
Emarking Support
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Have anyone been able to complete standardization and start with the live marking? I got my credentials and when I got to log in, I did a simulation marking exercise but have not been able to do a standardisation marking exercise....I was wondering if anyone else is in my situation at present..

1 person has this question
I have been waiting for teh longest while for anything to happen...


me too. the same for integrated science. i did so many simulation marking exercises but have not been able to do a standardization marking exercise. i believe CXC is late on that, so lets wait and see

same here for me where I would have completed numerous simulation exercises but have not been able to do a standardization marking exercise for Agricultural Science. So I don't know what is the problem since today I should have started live marking.

Thought I was the only one who was not getting pass simulation for Agricultural Science .This is frustrating!
I marked ONE simulation question and the system says RM has changed. i went through the process in the FAQ #6 without success....
please advice.


major set back

Me too. I just sent my supervisor an email to find out how long after will I get to complete the standardization process because I did the practice marking yesterday and thought the standardization scripts would have been available by today but they are not. 

Can anybody tell me how long it takes after standardization to be approved for marking,  I have been awaiting approval for the last two days?


I just received email about e-marking had no idea since the last time I checked cxc portal had nothing now shows something about emarking. Im new on this..

I did my standardisation yesterday and checked in RM Assessor today and saw that I was approved for live marking, so it took me about 1 day to be approved, again it might vary based on your supervisor or subject area in which you are marking....

I have just completed standardization. Am I the last person to do this?

I did the simulation on Friday for Communication Studies but when I tried to sign in tonight I was refused access.

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I am getting the same message as Mrs. Hibbert-Pinto. 'You are not authorized to view any group items.' Credentials eagerly waiting to begin.

I cannot get pass the simulation exercise. I am stuck and need urgent help before the deadline. Am I the only one still waiting?

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