Caribbean Examinations Council
Emarking Support
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No username and password for RM Assessor....

I have been selected for marking both the csec poa and cape accounting, however i am yet to receive my username and password for rm assessor and the csec poa marking starts tomorrow ....does anyone have a similar problem??? can i get this resolved?

15 people have this question
Thanks marsheline. What number did you contact them at?
I should start marking CSEC Geography today June 24 and still have not received my password.

i received mine a day ago and marking for inte sicence begins on 26th. sometimes they send you the user name late and marking sometimes begin late. email them again.

 Any advice...? I downloaded silverlight but when logging in using my given credentials it says  unsuccessful.

did you try logging in again? some documents were sent to you on what to do if something like that happens. check it out and see

I an

m unable to get onto the RM assessor. I am only able to go as far as the E Marking Support page. When I click 'Check Ticket Status', I am not able to go any further

I have been selected and accepted to mark. Presently I am unable to login to RM marker the website says "The username or password that you've entered is incorrect".

i entered the username and password but its not working

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