Caribbean Examinations Council
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No username and password for RM Assessor....

I have been selected for marking both the csec poa and cape accounting, however i am yet to receive my username and password for rm assessor and the csec poa marking starts tomorrow ....does anyone have a similar problem??? can i get this resolved?

15 people have this question
I was selected for csec mathematics and also have the same problem. All emails to cxc have so far proven unsuccessful.
Selected for CAPE Comm...same problem


Same issue with me. Awaiting login credentials for PoA

Received credentials but i am not getting to login in. 

"Login failed as the local computer time is incorrect"

Ok Joan. Maybe try changing the computer's time to Barbados' time? 

I am still waiting for login credentials for PoA

My computer time is in sync with the time in Barbados but i am still getting the same response.

I'm having the same issue and I'm a new marker too. I sent in a ticket so I am waiting for the issue to be resolved.

I'm having the same issue . I sent in a ticket so I am waiting for it to be resolved.

just heard from an official at cxc and was informed that csec poa marking has not commenced as yet , so sometime in the near future i would receive my username and password for rm assessor......

Thanks for the update. If anyone gets on can you post that you're in?

will do christine, no probs

I have the same problem, just trying to resolve this.  

I have not received my RM  assessor username and password either. Marking is due to start today 19th June 2017.  CXC has not replied to my emails either.  Help needed.

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